When you are looking at a type of character that spans many areas from history to fiction novels to blockbusters; wizards have a hand in all. Wizards are a magical being that have the ability to use magic to make things happen and occur in their presence. There are many wizards that you have sure heard of and heard about that you can have carved into a piece of wood as a keepsake. The long beard and flowing hair seems to make the wizard a man to be remembered.
Carve Me A Bear! Chainsaw Carving Lists the Most Famous Wizards & Their Roles
Merlin Wizard: If you want to talk about a wizard from legends in history then Merlin is top of the list. The figure of Merlin has been depicted most commonly in Arthurian legends and also used throughout Medieval Welsh poetry. Some of the ways that Merlin was able to use magic was shape shifting. He was able to transport himself around the country in the blink of an eye. Throughout time Merlin as a character has been used in plays, poetry and movies. The name of the wizard in the Disney movie Sword In The Stone had the well-known wizard in it that was able to direct the young wizard through his journey.
Albus Dumbledore: If you are a Harry Potter fan then this next wizard on the list should not surprise you. The Harry Potter books and movies are a huge hit and continue to amaze all generations of people. There are fan clubs, games, books, posters and even a whole world dedicated to Harry Potter at Universal studios. The head wizard in this franchise is none other than Albus Dumbledore. He is the head master when young Harry Potter, another worthy wizard, starts his schooling at Hogwarts. Dumbledore is not only a great wizard but was able to help with the take down and ultimate demise of “he who must not be named”.
Lord Voldemort: To be able to get to the next wizard we do have to name the next wizard. Voldemort is the next wizard on the list and he was able to use his dark magic as a way to find his immortality. He is the villain throughout the Harry Potter books and the one that is after The boy who lived, Harry Potter. The final scene of the final book has an epic showdown between these two wizards with the villain falling to defeat by a final blow from Harry himself.
Gandalf: Now to move from Harry Potter to another hugely successful franchise, Lord Of The Rings. Gandalf is a wizard that is a main protagonist in the movie and the one that sends the hobbit Frodo off to destroy the ring. He is sent on a journey and is helped along the way by the great wizard.
Wizard Chainsaw Carvings in Las Vegas, Nevada & Helena, Montana
Carve Me A Bear! Chainsaw Carving offers wizard carvings to show off your love of wizards. We can carve tree stumps, statues and more. Contact us to place an order today!