If you celebrated Christmas growing up, you know the song, Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Not only do you know Rudolph, but you know the eight reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh. While most people don’t think too much about reindeer, they all know that reindeer are part of Christmas, they pull Santa’s sleigh and make for cute decorations. But there is a little history that goes with why reindeer are associated with Christmas.
What is the History of the Reindeer?
Reindeer have been associated with Christmas and winter festivities (winter solstice) in Scandinavia and across eastern Europe for years. Pagan mythology during the Middle Ages loved reindeer. When pagans converted to Christianity, their ancient customs became part of the Christmas celebration. Throughout mythology and arctic people, reindeer appear frequently. Which are also known as Caribou. People treated them with respect and mystery. You can find stories about reindeer from Scandinavia, Canada, and even Mongolia.
What Does the Reindeer Symbolize?
Reindeer symbolize creativity, knowledge, resourcefulness, and a safe journey home. Reindeer brought people safely home in the winter. So of course, the reindeer would bring Father Christmas home safely. Reindeer have served people in the northern hemisphere as well. People would use them as transportation, use their hide to provide warmth and their antlers contain something that can be used as a medical and nutritional supplement. Some cultures use reindeer antlers still as a natural remedy today.
Where Did the Eight Reindeer Come From?
You know Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. The eight famous reindeer became popular in the 19th century. Reindeer first appeared with Santa from a poem, called “A New Year’s present”. Though, this poem does not name them or say how many. Then the poem “The Night Before Christmas” came with eight reindeer and their names. While this poem makes you think that the reindeer are males. The reindeer would have to be female because male reindeer after mating season lose their antlers while Female reindeer keep their antlers year round.
How was the Original Rudolph Created?
For a while, these eight reindeer were the only reindeer that people knew. It wasn’t until the 1920s when Coca-Cola was trying to do a campaign and came up with poems and coloring books for kids. After that, it took off and there it became a song, a movie, and different types of merchandise. Robert L May created Rudolph from his own experiences of being bullied as a child.
Custom Chainsaw Carvings Picked Up from Lincoln, Montana & Nampa, Idaho
Christmas, Santa, and reindeer have a long history together. If you love Christmas you most likely also love reindeer. Having a wood carving of a reindeer for your Christmas decorations to put outside would make a wonderful Christmas display for everybody to want to come see. If you want to gift a wood-carved reindeer or have one for yourself, then give Carve Me A Bear! Chainsaw Carvings a call and let’s get a wood carving of a reindeer for your home.